1) What are ways the Church has failed to recognize the dignity and value of Women? 

2) How can the Church can do a better job of recognizing the dignity and value of Women? How does the gospel motivate us to do this well?  


Jesus in his servant authority, dying in order to bring his bride to spotless purity (Ephesians 5:22-33), has redefined authority and has demanded that his followers do the same (Matthew 23:11; John 13:13-17).

Kathy Keller


What women these Christians have! 

Libanius, 4th century pagan philosopher 


We are made in the image of God as male and female. Somehow gender reflects something about God. A man reflects something about God’s character that is different from a woman and vice versa. 

Dan Allender

Book recommendation: Two Views on Women in Ministry
